The series begins with Raymund’s character, Officer Delgado, on patrol. However, during a stop, she is shot — and bleeds out ...
In its season finale, “On Call” may have a lot of action and pivotal moments, but it ultimately feels like it stumbled.
Eriq La Salle, who serves as executive producer, director, and actor in the new series 'On Call,' fully admits that acting in the action-packing drama made him a bit nervous.
On Call is Dick Wolf Entertainment's new police procedural drama, which debuted on Amazon Prime Video on January 9, 2025.
The streaming services, however, have been noncommittal in their efforts to make their own versions of the kind of mass appeal police and medical dramas that have been television staples since the ...
Below, stars Bellisario, Larracuente, Eriq La Salle (also an executive producer and director), and Lori Loughlin, and ...
On Call is a gripping police procedural drama that revolves around two patrolling officers of the Long Beach Police Department. The show premiered on Prime Video on January 9, 2025.
Erin Simkin/Prime Video The first season of On Call had Us on the edge of our seats - but where does the Wolf Entertainment ...