In the forthcoming second season of Gotham, young Bruce Wayne will continue on his path toward having increasingly distinct personalities for his day-to-day life and his “investigative” life ...
Why Bruce Wayne got so big in Absolute Batman #4 by Scott Snyder and Gabriel Walta from DC Comics today (Spoilers) ...
The concluding film is a war for Gotham's soul as well as a redemption ... For Batman Begins, the main theme is fear, as a young Bruce Wayne learns what he fears most, and that's bats.
In fact, he was often better at being Gotham’s protector than Bruce ... in the cowl where his Robin sidekick was Damian Wayne, Bruce’s young son. Even more than Bruce, Dick’s Batman ...
DC’s “Absolute” line of comics has offered bold new re-invention of core characters like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman (with more on the way). Each of the books debuted by re-introducing us to ...
Gargoyle Of Gotham. As a reminder, the series follows the caped crusader as he battles sadistic killers and economic inequality. Incidentally, this version of Bruce Wayne has tired of his double ...
The second issue left me confused and perplexed in the best way possibly, leading to feelings of intrigue and predictions on how everything ties together.
This series has already shown Bruce’s inciting moment of Thomas Wayne’s death, but there’s a long way between that and the Batman we see in first issue. With no billionaire trust ...