As per Madhur, Kishore Kumar distanced himself from Madhubala during her last days. in response, Babul Supriyo has come up ...
Apart from being a talented actress, Madhubala's personal life was also under public scrutiny. Before Kishore Kumar, ...
Madhur Bhushan accused Kishore Kumar of abandoning Madhubala during her final days, sparking a fiery rebuttal from Babul ...
Madhubala and Kishore Kumar are two of the most celebrated names in the history of Indian cinema. Their relationship, full of ups and downs, became one of Bollywood's most talked-about love stories.
Madhubala and Kishore Kumar are two of the biggest names in the history of Indian cinema. They dated for some time before tying the knot in 1960. However, the actress’s sister, Madhur Bhushan ...
Madhubala, Bollywood's iconic beauty, passed away at the age of 36 due to a heart condition. Despite her brief life, her films and her relationship with Dilip Kumar still amaze fans. Although they ...
What many may not know is that before Madhubala’s famous relationships with Dilip Kumar and Kishore Kumar, she had fallen for this actor. He was the first person to capture her heart.