A photo shows one sand frog with a pale gray body covered in copper and dark brown blotches. Mozambique sand frogs are “burrowing” amphibians, found near the campground and in open sandy areas near ...
There's plenty of air in the tiny spaces between grains of sand; the problem for sand-burrowing animals is how to get that air into their lungs while keeping the sand out ...
Male Dawson’s burrowing bees had been patrolling one of the hundreds of active burrows on the clay plans near Carnarvon in Western Australia. Lying on the hot, rocky, sun-baked ground with sand ...
During the surveys, researchers noticed some burrowing fishes previously identified ... Limnichthys koreanus, or the Korean ...
Burrowing owls have adapted well to urban life, nesting in front yards, medians and golf courses. They benefit from irrigation and the insects and lizards drawn to human development, making urban ...