Sales at UK supermarkets rose above inflation in February as Brits looked for cost-effective ways to treat themselves.
Now Tesco has confirmed it's British Whole Milk 3.408L (6 Pints) has been discontinued. Shoppers have taken to social media questioning why they have been unable to find the milk product recently.
TESCO has discontinued an everyday fridge staple in all stores, leaving shoppers baffled. The superstore was forced to ...
Tesco confirms that two popular breakfast cereal products has been discontinued in ... For several weeks now you’ve had the other varieties but no Apricot wheats. First you took away the Honey ...
The cheese products have been recalled due to safety fears and shoppers are being asked to return them to their nearest store ...
UK supermarket Tesco has confirmed Katja Ahola Klamkin will be joining Tesco in the coming months to head up its home and ...
A boom in products flavoured by the vegetable has now led to a 200 per cent rise in demand for 'forced' rhubarb – grown out of season – according to Tesco. Forced rhubarb is planted under ...
Consumers in the UK who have bought Irish blended cheese are being advised to return certain JOD Food Products with expiry ...