The limited series, a spin-off of Matt Reeves' The Batman, was conceived as an eight-episode series intended to tie into ...
"The Batman Part II" to 2027 DCU & "The Batman" unlikely to merge canon "Daredevil" shows diverse tones can coexist Recently, ...
Colin Farrell's latest achievement as the Penguin reveals just how important Batman's rogues gallery is to pop culture.
While The Batman sequel is now heading to theaters quite a bit later than anticipated, Cristin Milioti remains eager to ...
Veteran directors James Gunn and Matt Reeves might be going down a dark road with their take on continuity in the DCU and ...
In what might come as a major letdown for fans of the TV show, The Penguin showrunner, Lauren LeFranc, recently cleared the ...
In her instantly iconic yellow dress, the mob princess turned stone cold baddie quickly became a fan favorite.