“Leading the world into an era of intelligent and flying automobile, it is not possible to go it alone. The connection between the automotive industries of China and Germany is deepening, and any idea ...
Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar recently visited China, marking the first trip by a Malaysian king to China ...
(ECNS) -- Leaders from China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced that the Version 3.0 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations have achieved a substantial conclusion ...
In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted innovation and reform in public cultural services. Over 35,000 new public cultural spaces have been set up nationwide, including libraries ...
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), he shared his study and work experiences in China during an interview with China News Network, recounting his unique ...
A Chinese tourist in Thai traditional dress poses for pictures at Wat Arun Ratchawararam Rathawaramahawihan in Bangkok on Jan 17. BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES China's stimulus measures will have a positive ...
喀什,一座含“绿”量如此之高的城市,让人很难把它同身处塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘的地理位置相联系。乘飞机从乌鲁木齐飞往喀什途中,俯瞰整个城区,更会被不同层次的绿所吸引:作为“城市绿肺”的小亚郎湿地公园,让居民实现推窗见绿、转角见美的宜居生活;经过生态治理后的 ...
下个月的美国总统大选给乌克兰带来了很大的不确定性。虽然民主党总统候选人、副总统哈里斯表示将继续支持乌克兰,但她没有详细说明这种支持的程度;而反复宣称自己一旦重返白宫将在24小时内结束俄乌冲突的共和党总统候选人、前总统特朗普,至今也没有明确解释他到底将 ...
马来西亚《星州日报》高级记者郭秋香第一次认识阿勒泰,是通过剧集《我的阿勒泰》:“经常在各种社交媒体上刷到这部剧,画面很美,很安静,没想到真的来了阿勒泰,会觉得更美,真的是剧里的那种感觉,让人很平静。” 即使世事涌入,城市的喧嚣之外,阿勒泰四野始终悄悄 ...