San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria has been appointed to the California Air Resources Board by Governor Gavin Newsom, awaiting confirmation from the state Senate.
Gloria's pointed comments about the county's responsibility caused a stir in the days since he delivered the speech, which sets the table for budget talks in coming months.
San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria gave the State of the City Address on Wednesday, where he discussed the looming $258.2 million budget deficit the city faces.
Mayor Todd Gloria delivered the 2025 State of the City address this afternoon, one week after the Office of the Independent Budget Analyst released its review of the Mayor's upcoming Five-Year Financial Outlook,
Lo que quedó fueron proyecciones más realistas y conservadoras sobre las finanzas del sistema de pensiones. Se aumentó la esperanza de vida para los trabajadores y se redujo la tasa anticipada de retorno de las inversiones anuales del fondo de pensiones, que ahora se encuentra en un 6.5 por ciento.
Mayor Todd Gloria declared that San Diego was heading into a new “era of austerity” in response to the city government’s massive budget deficit. In his State of the City address in
In delivering his fifth State of the City address on Wednesday, Mayor Todd Gloria offered a pointed, accurate critique of other local governments and Caltrans for letting San Diego bear so much of
Las escuelas militares de supervivencia afirman: “Entrenamos a los mejores para lo peor.” Básicamente, estar listos para lo peor que la guerra puede arrojar sobre ti. Los recientes incendios forestales en San Diego y Los Ángeles nos mostraron que también debemos estar siempre preparados para lo peor en la vida.