In Batman #156, the Riddler's grand scheme unfolds as the GCPD closes in on Batman. Wayne Enterprises faces peril, and the ...
Absolute Batman Issue 4 is this universe's Year One. Many question are answered as young Bruce's adventures as Batman begins.
Batman is perhaps the comic character with the largest selection of excellent stories. His long-running comic history has allowed for an endless supply of powerhouse writers and artists to take a ...
Batman may have plenty of modern movies, games, and TV shows based around him and his adventures, but the Caped Crusader first appeared in the pages of DC comic books many, many years ago.
If you're looking for new Batman comics, then you're in the right place! The Dark Knight is more than just a superhero – he is a true pop culture icon. Every month DC publishes a host of new ...
In the most recent continuity, Zur-En-Arrh is an absolute threat who wants to finally push past the abyss to kill Joker and cross a line where Batman will never go. DC Comics have an extensive ...
Many of his comics are now more concerned with costumed fisticuffs than finding clues. Batman: Dark Patterns addresses this point, presenting a good, old-fashioned mystery story. Set during the ...