Batman: The Animated Series is a timeless classic for many reasons, leaving a huge impact on the DC universe and animated TV ...
Gotham City was originally a metropolis based on most American cities at the time, but writers and artists slowly defined ...
The Amazon Fire TV Omni Mini-LED’s picture quality is pretty good overall compared to the best TVs. Colors are vibrant, ...
To be honest, despite how much I enjoy comic book adaptations (especially based on DC characters) and have strongly admired ...
The 110-inch UXN has a 4.2.2 channel, 102W built-in speaker array and supports Dolby Atmos and DTS. Two up-firing speakers ...
The actress who played Raquel in Only Fools and Horses, Tessa Peake-Jones, was romantically involved with her on-screen son ...
Gary Leonard Oldman is a British actor and director popularly known for his versatility and acting style. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 40 years and made his film debut with ...
Hollywood star Tom Cruise was filming the eighth instalment of the Mission Impossible film franchise in Oxfordshire last year. Mr Cruise was previously been spotted hanging onto the side of an ...
As Robin might have said in the original “Batman” television series, “Holy profit!” Then, 10 years later, another copy — this one only graded a 7.0 — broke that record when it sold for $1.5 million in ...
The very first serial to adapt the comic book character of the Batman. In it, the Batman is a secret U.S. government agent, attempting to defeat the schemes of Japanese agent Dr. Daka operating in Los ...
Readers are now roughly halfway through the first arc of writer Tom Taylor and artist Mikel Janin’s run on Detective Comics, ...