Red Bird Ministries and Sursum Corda are two Catholic groups who help families who have endured miscarriages and infant loss.
(Photo: Piotr Frydecki/Wikimedia Commons) Every Marian apparition places the Catholic Church in a dilemma ... 1981, when six children from this small village of 2,300 inhabitants claimed to ...
Perhaps long overdue, there has been a recent burgeoning of books and programs for parents suffering the loss of unborn or ...
Adoptees are looking for answers years after unwed Italian mothers were pressured to give their babies up for adoption under ...
For decades, unwed mothers in Italy were pressured to give up children born out of wedlock. Thousands were sent to America.
This year’s event will kick off Oct. 12 with an in-person conference at St. Mary of Sorrows Church in Fairfax, Virginia, ...
The author and poet Kathleen Norris has written at length about her attraction to the lives and spirituality of Benedictine ...
The overwhelming presence of shamrocks and green can give Irish Catholicism a reputation for being kitschy. More inaccurate, ...
The shepherd of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, wants to make sure all students know just how much the Blessed Mother loves them.
Shloka is a very important part of life, especially for children. Chanting shloka instils values and virtues in young minds. It helps to enhance the memory and concentration of a child.
A father in Gaza, who is working for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) on the humanitarian response, told us: “What I want for my ... in prayer with Pope Francis and all those who pray that peace may ...
After having lost her parents, young Juli returns from the Soviet Union to her native Budapest. Scarred by the wounds of the past, the ghost of Stalin’s oppression haunts her as she reunites ...