The acclaimed trilogy began with the 2005 release Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale as the title character opposite Liam Neeson as the villain Ra’s Al Ghul. Pearce had previously played ...
Pearce told BI that Nolan wanted him for "The Prestige" and "Batman Begins," but WB blocked him ... referring to Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman. "But Warner Bros. was involved." ...
Christian Bale (US$120 million ... such as when he lost a significant amount of weight while filming 2004’s The Machinist and then had to get back in shape again for 2005’s Batman Begins. The ...
Of course, no Batman movie works without a great villain or two, a task that Cillian Murphy's slimy Scarecrow and Liam Neeson ...
Over the course of his career, Christian Bale ... for Batman Begins, only to get too big, which required him to slim down again while simultaneously working out to achieve the ideal superhero physique ...
"And next thing you know, he went and made it with Batman and Wolverine," he continued, referring to Christian ... Begins" opened in theaters, Nolan came out with "The Prestige," starring Bale ...
The acclaimed trilogy began with the 2005 release Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale as the title character opposite Liam Neeson as the villain Ra’s Al Ghul. Pearce had previously played ...
It speaks volumes of Christian Bale’s chameleonic nature that ... It’s quite embarrassing when I see behind-the-scenes stuff.” Basically, Bale nailed his American accent for Batman Begins, opted to ...