Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
Disney's Moana depicts wayfinding — the process of orienting and traveling from place to place — as a main plot point in helping the Polynesian voyagers navigate across the ocean. These explorers ...
Buck Woodall claims the awards contender stole ideas from a screenplay he wrote, while Disney says the works aren't similar.
The lawsuit details several similarities between Woodall's undeveloped script and both Moana and Moana 2. Like Bucky, the ...
There’s troubled waters ahead for Moana 2. More so than sea monsters and killer coconuts: a lawsuit right in the midst of award season.
On Friday, animator Buck Woodall sought legal action against Disney, accusing the company of copying components of an ...
The term “fun for the whole family” is a myth. It’s an old wive’s tale, it a legend, it’s something you read about like ...