Even in their darkest nights, politicians trust that their steady savior will once more ride to their rescue – their fiercest ...
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple by investing $1300—money that Wozniak raised by selling his HP-65 Calculator and ...
Jim Morrison died nearly 54 years ago at the age of 27, his body laid to rest in Paris, France—or so they say. One lifelong ...
The first mares have been scanned in foal to Haras de Montaigu's exciting young prospect Nietzsche Has.
Periods of happiness are empty pages in history,” he wrote in his Introduction to the Philosophy of History, “for they are ...
After over 150 years of elegantly cruising at the top, St. Moritz – the world's original ski resort – is finally starting to ...
A life worth living, then, is one that fully experiences the present and experiments with new ways of being. Deleuze’s ethics ...
The magnanimous man accurately believes he is great and seeks to win triumphs that will bring glory and greatness to his ...
“Steak ‘n Shake has gone Nazi” isn’t a sentence I ever expected to see, much less type. But here we are.
Nature is the vast eternal kingdom which nourishes art,” Munch observed, and this vast source was not a choice but a ...