Despite a military campaign lasting for a year and a quarter in Gaza, the body language of Hamas proves its backbone remains ...
After the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the ensuing invasion by Egypt, Transjordan and forces from Iraq, ...
Some of cultic places during the Bronze and Iron Age on a territory of Transjordan are Ataruz, Deir Alla, Ammon, Mudayna and Busayra.Cult places such as temples, shrines, or open-air cultic complexes ...
Follow me on Instagram to keep up with more interesting things: <a href=" In this video, I explore the historical evolution of country names in Asia, focusing on Iran (formerly Persia and Parthia), ...
Signed in secret at the height of the first world war, Sykes-Picot was an agreement between France and Great Britain, approved by Russia. It would have lasting consequences for the region. It is ...
Permission to sell Transjordan land to foreigners is requested in a petition signed by twenty-one of the most influential Transjordan trible leaders and members of the Legislative Assembly ...
The very next day, the newly fledged Jewish State was assailed by the armies of Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon plus a small Palestinian contingent, all of which, bar the Palestinians, ...