ICON plc, (NASDAQ: ICLR) a world-leading clinical research organisation powered by healthcare intelligence, today released ...
Studies have long warned that blows to the head may raise the risk of neurodegenerative conditions. Now, scientists believe ...
As Lamborn prepares to leave office, we are most grateful for his support. His support of these signed bills advances the ...
Medical advances make pills to treat Alzheimer’s disease viable, though challenges remain in sharing gains globally ...
China is expected to witness the highest prevalence with an estimated 10.4 million cases. The total prevalent cases of ...
For decades, scientists have been trying to develop therapeutics for people living with Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive ...
Physicians diagnose around 40% of those over the age of 90 with Alzheimer’s disease, according to Robert Vassar, director of Northwestern’s Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s ...
That cold sore on your lip might be painful and unsightly, but it could also be a harbinger of debilitating brain agin ...
A study has found cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which are known to contribute to brain blood vessel damage in younger populations, not to be associated with an ...
A study of human brain organoids suggested a complex relationship between herpes simplex virus 1 infection and tau, ...
New research suggests that concussions and repetitive head trauma may reactivate dormant viruses like HSV-1 in the brain, potentially triggering neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.