Renowned filmmaker Rohit Shetty will produce a biopic on Rakesh Maria, Mumbai's former Joint Police Commissioner. John ...
The source added, "The makers are aiming to put forth the mechanism of capturing the terrorists, as Rakesh Maria had a method ...
John Abraham's wife is not an actress but a financial analyst and banker. His wife prefers to stay away from the glitz and glamour. Scroll down to know her name.
Rohit Shetty is continuing his cop movies streak after Singham Again!According to Bollywood Hungama, the Chennai Express ...
John Abraham called elephants “intelligent, sensitive animals” who “endure immense physical and emotional strain during these ...
John Abraham is excited to play the part, and he truly believes that the film will be a tribute to celebrate the legacy of Rakesh Maria’s service to the nation. Detailed Report ...
Throwback to the time when Bipasha Basu talked about her ugly breakup with John Abraham and how it left her abandoned.
John Abraham and Priya Runchal celebrated a cozy Christmas, sharing a heartwarming Instagram post. Priya looked stunning in a ...
John Abraham, the actor and producer, has addressed a letter to Badri Prasad Pandey, Nepal’s Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, urging him to put an end to the mistreatment of elephants ...
Rohit Shetty has a history with cop films, and over the last 15 years, has delivered 5 successful films in the cop universe. While he is directing Golmaal 5 next, we hear that Rohit Shetty is all ...
John Abraham has appealed to Nepal's Minister of Culture to stop animal abuse at the Chitwan Elephant Festival, where elephants are mistreated for entertainment.