In a rare return to the Southern California coast, a beloved family of orcas made a few star appearances for whale watchers on Friday. Lucky viewers got to witness a visit from a mother killer whale ...
A volunteer surveyor who spots wildlife on a ferry route named the best for seeing marine life says the role is "one of the ...
A pod of 60 to 80 killer whales rarely seen by researchers, was spotted Thursday by Whale Watchers out in Monterey Bay. They're called "offshore" orcas, and scientists say they haven't been seen off ...
Captain Giancarlo Thomae of Sanctuary Cruises in Moss Landing sent in video of a very rare killer whale encounter.
While the calf mortality rate of southern resident killer whales is 50 per cent, the Centre for Whale Research is hopeful J35 ...
Tahlequah, the killer whale who carried her dead calf and swam with him for 17 days, has given birth to her second baby since ...
A pod of orcas spotted two weeks ago off Orange County’s coastline were seen again on Friday, Dec. 27, to the delight of whale-watching enthusiasts. The orcas are a family known as CA51, a pod that ...