Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Aleksandr Rogozhnik proposed to expand cooperation between Belarusian and Russian enterprises in the production of avionics equipment as he visited Ulyanovsk Instrument ...
The Russian delegation toured the permanent exhibition featuring a wide model range of Amkodor machinery. The delegation praised the lineup and the high quality of the machinery, which can be useful ...
Belarus is a friendly country for Serbia, our peoples have a very warm regard for each other, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Serbia to Belarus Ilina Vukajlović said during a meeting ...
The Lithuanian Seimas has approved the proposal to denounce the customs cooperation agreement with Belarus, reads a press release published on the website of the Lithuanian parliament. Some 81 members ...
The Belarusian logistics operator Beltamozhservice and Belarus’ office of Russia’s Rosatom State Corporation - Rusatom Bel LLC - have signed a memorandum of partnership and strategic cooperation on ...
MINSK, 15 October (BelTA) - The heads of government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries will arrive in Pakistan for the 23rd meeting of the SCO Heads of Government Council, ...