Jeannie meets an unlikely suitor when consulting with an adult toy company. While on the engagement, Doug is struck with inspiration for a wild gift idea for his new girlfriend.
Despite their tense relationship, Alicia and Kalinda rush to prove their client's innocence in a murder trial, while the timing might finally be right for Alicia and Will to pursue their relationship.
Alicia and the partners must decide whether to take on the case of a VIP massage therapist who accuses a Nobel Peace Prize winner of sexual assault. Meanwhile, Peter and Eli try to determine what ...
Lockhart/Gardner represents a small drilling contractor against a major oil conglomerate in a dispute that is going well until a South American dictator complicates the situation. Meanwhile, the ...
The heroes try to prevent the Gestapo from sending Klink and Schultz to the Russian front.
LeBeau is passed off as a Gypsy fortune teller to help get a radar countermeasure device to London.
Hogan has to discredit a German officer who knows about the operations at Stalag 13.
Hogan convinces Klink that he is a great artist so that he can make a rendezvous in an art gallery.
Lockhart/Gardner defends Stephanie Engler, the owner of an adultery website after one of her users is murdered; however, the civil case turns criminal when the murder is pinned on Stephanie. Alicia ...
When Alicia gets a vague tip from a courthouse clerk in the appeal case of a death row inmate, the law firm races to secure a stay of execution. Meanwhile, Peter Florrick prepares for his first debate ...
Kwai Chang Caine (DAVID CARRADINE) is stalked by two deadly adversaries: The Order of the Avenging Dragon--who act as guardians to the Royal Household of Imperial China--and Sara Kingsley, the ...
The law firm of Lockhart, Gardner, and Bond sues a social networking site on behalf of a Chinese dissident, who posted an anonymous blog about democracy in China and was jailed and tortured by the ...