“The stronger-than-expected rise in inflation in January highlights the challenges facing the Monetary Policy Committee as ...
to access all the latest member updates, intelligence and resources that the CBI has to offer. CBI members are sent their sign in details by email. Not got yours? Please check your SPAM or JUNK folder ...
For 60 years, the CBI has been a constant through 17 General Elections and 14 Prime Ministers. We’ve steered industry through ...
Though defence was the main focus of the EU Summit he attended, the Prime Minister called for a renewed emphasis on research ...
Speaking at the CBI Midlands Business Dinner in Birmingham, as the CBI begins its 60 th anniversary year, Chair Rupert Soames ...
“The rebound in activity in December is encouraging. Although growth over Q4 as a whole was still lacklustre, the data supports our view that the loss of momentum in the second half of last year will ...
Our members guide what we campaign on. Their priorities include the future of work and skills, making the UK a leading, internationally competitive location for business, and driving progress on ...
CBI Chairs Committee is the top policy committee at the CBI, responsible for setting and steering the CBI policy decisions.