After they completely redesigned interface of the new iOS 7, Apple has done the same with web service iCloud. The first change you'll notice when visiting the website is the new login screen through ...
Qualcomm is primarily known for its processors that incorporate various manufacturers of smartphones and tablets in their devices. That their priority is not only the creation processor they decided ...
LAS VEGAS, NV (January 6-9, 2016) – CyberPower Inc.,, a global manufacturer of custom gaming PCs, gaming laptops, and performance workstations, will unveil some PC gaming eye ...
Android is becoming more and more recognized as an independent platform for gaming every day. We first read about the console Ouya, whose authors managed to raise the required $500,000 via Kickstarter ...
Apple has a very short memory and also a nasty little habit of getting people involved that share their paranoia. Today one of the people that Apple called was designer Peter Bressler. For those of ...
Rob Hodson from Electronic Arts via Twitter said that FIFA 14 on PC will not be based on the recently discovered engine Ignite. Specifically, Ignite remains reserved exclusively for the Xbox and ...
Although Tumblr is often derisively described as a heaven for hipsters and misunderstood teenagers, it does not change the fact that it is one of the largest blog services that exist. Tumblr now has ...
In the legal world there are always interesting things going on. This is even more true when you talk about the massive number of law suits that are brought against technology companies on a daily ...
According to the data available from Sony's technical documents, as well as expert analysis, Sony PS4 console will not allow developers to access all of 8 GB of RAM console has. Specifically, ...
BlackBerry has announced prices and date for the start of sales of their Q10 smartphone in the U.S. market. BlackBerry Q10 is second company's smartphone running BlackBerry 10 (after the current model ...
Yesterday was the day that many companies reported their earnings for the 2nd quarter of their fiscal year. We saw reports from AMD, Intel, Nokia and Microsoft. Both AMD and Intel posted profits (even ...
After they unveiled their new game console, Xbox One, which will among other things be equipped with the new version of Kinect, Microsoft announced that a similar equipment for computers based on ...