(THE CONVERSATION) Because there are typically no symptoms until the first fracture occurs, osteoporosis is considered a silent disease. Some call it a silent killer. Osteoporosis is a bone disease ...
AKRON––Self-expression is a form of self-awareness. That was put on full display at a recent event in the Summit County Juvenile Court’s Detention Center. Six youth in the detention center accepted ...
Rep. Lynn Wachtmann has signed on as the sponsor of a bill that would requiring reporting of newborns diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome. “Neonatal abstinence syndrome or NAS is the result of ...
A panel of judges in the 10th District Court of Appeals affirmed a defendant’s convictions for domestic violence and abduction recently when it overruled his claims that the Franklin County Court of ...
The Thorium and Molten Salt Reactor Association has backed Reps. Nan Baker and Terry Boose in their quest to establish a sustainable energy-abundance plan for the state to meet its future energy needs ...
Another measure in a series of bills concerning absentee voting has been introduced into the Ohio General Assembly. Senate Bill 362 would extend the period for in-person absent voting and specify the ...
A pair of Republican lawmakers has introduced a measure into the Ohio House of Representatives that would create a militia-grade force that would focus on protecting the state's IT infrastructure from ...