Few things are as enticing as the aroma of freshly baked pizzas arriving at your front door. Even more appealing: learning that pizza boxes are made to be recycled. Many recycling centers are equipped ...
What do you get when you combine paper, passion and a love for the planet? A papertarian. That’s why we joined forces with someone who’s already walking the walk. You know her as a comic, but now ...
[Lottie: /sites/default/files/2022-10/Hero%20Animation_SQUARE.mp4_.lottie.json] [Lottie: /sites/default/files/2022-10/Hero%20Animation_DESKTOP_1024x352_.mp4_.lottie ...
When it comes to productivity, nothing is more personal than the almighty to-do list. When we spend time with a blank sheet and pen, thinking of what we need to do and writing it all down, that piece ...
A vacation is more than just a week in a new place. It’s a culmination of events—from flying to dining to beaching. Whether you’re Hawaii-bound to catch a wave or heading to Colorado for hiking, keep ...
If you’re not hungry now, you may be after watching The Next Great Package: Design for Food. In this installment, designers reinvent the takeout meal package for Moe’s Southwest Grill. Enjoy the ...
The Paper and Packaging Board’s How Life Unfolds® campaign national marketing campaign supports the many organizations whose mission and objectives complement our main initiatives. Learn more about ...
Chances are, you’ve heard the pop psychology theory that it takes about a month—21 days, specifically—to form a habit. While the length of time required varies in reality, depending on person and ...
Paper and packaging are making important contributions to a more sustainable future.
When you use paper products, you’re doing your part to help the planet. Because the paper, packaging and boxes you rely on every day are designed to be easily recycled. In fact, paper is the most ...
Faces of the Forest is about people—the people who work the land, nurture the trees, and make the paper and packaging products you rely on for so many things. This installment looks at the life and ...
We’re sustainably producing the paper products that enrich consumers’ lives—like the recyclable boxes protecting your food and medicines in transit—while also increasing total forest area. In ...