Looking a bit further ahead, the Avignon Festival will take place earlier than usual in 2024, when it will run from 29 June-21 July. This is so that it will not clash with the Olympic Games being held ...
A baroque monastery built by the Jesuits in 1611, Saint Louis was originally a school for novitiates, then a hospital. It has been a hotel since 1990. Click here to book a hotel in Avignon The Cloître ...
Provence's food is all very well, but sometimes only a full breakfast fry-up or English fish and chips will do. On such occasions, hungry ex-pats and fans of traditional British nosh head straight for ...
If your kids are reluctant to go hiking, here's an unusual solution to tempt them forth: set out on your walk with a llama in tow. Click here to book a hotel in Aix en Provence Your companion will ...
Once a sleepy provincial gallery, the Granet Museum has, thanks to some important loans and bequests, built up a fine collection of modern art over the last decade. It now stages several major ...
The New Hotel of Le Pharo is an unusual mix of tradition and super-hip modernism. You enter through a sweet little provençal kitchen garden into a lobby based in the former Institut Pasteur, a 19th ...
On the upwardly mobile rue de la République, a short walk from the Old Port, the Café Parisien is at first glance a classic old-fashioned brasserie. But appearances can be deceptive. Click here to ...
The Roi René is a four star grand hotel with a stylish history and some pretensions. Since it opened in 1929 it has welcomed the Aga Khan, King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Winston Churchill. Click here ...
The Tourist Train of Central Var runs from Carnoules to Brignoles, rolling, leafy landscapes tucked between Paul Cézanne's beloved Mont Sainte Victoire and the Gorges du Verdon. The line first opened ...
The Cézanne is one of the very many spots in Aix to trade on the name of the city's most famous son, though you do wonder what the sober and serious-minded Paul might have made of it. Click here to ...
THE TOUR OF THE CAMP DES MILLES The camp was once a 19th century factory producing the distinctive terracotta pantiles that cover the roof of every provençal house. It sits in the village of Les ...
There are very few hotels right on the seafront in Marseille, but Les Bords de Mer belongs to this very select club. It sits in a prime position, with sensational views of the sea and the legendary ...