Daddy what else did you leave for me? Daddy what d'ya leave behind for me? All in all it was just a brick in the wall All in all it was all just bricks in the wall ...
Pe 21 ianuarie Tesseract vin in Romania la Quantic Club, iar urmatoarea zi, pe 22 Ianuarie, Tesseract vor urca pe scena din ...
you're leaving there too soon, You're leaving there too soon. you're leaving there too soon, You're leaving there too soon. you're leaving there too soon, You're ...
I saw the sky Who wanted to run away From the contempt I saw the sky And broken beams of the sun The wind Was throwing with the second word Perhaps it was the truth Perhaps the false I didnâ t hear I ...
Observe anything that's real and watch them bleeding A delicate request only to make me safe What a shivering attempt! I'll try again if it kills me Is this everything supposed to be what really is?
Some mental anguish in my head, wake me up I am not dead Ignite a fire in my soul, a passing moment Accumulating in my mind, are the thoughts I left behind Accumulating in my head, switch off the ...
They sat together in the park As the evening sky grew dark, She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones. 'Twas then he felt alone and wished that he'd gone straight And watched out for a ...
So I said, "lets forget these days and just try to build some solid ground. Maybe someday we could stand straight up with our faces in the wind and scream to the world." ...
Zorba the Greek by Gipsy Kings Tabbed by Charlie Lin 2 solo Guitars, 1 rhythm guitar Fun to play. Played throughout the Olympics in Athens (though probably not the same song version) Adagio. about 60 ...
Dacă va înscrieÈ›i la newsletterul METALHEAD aflaÈ›i primii ce trupe mari vin în România. Click aici: METALHEAD Newsletter ...
Azi e miercuri, maine-i joi Vine Domnul pe la noi Insa de vazut il vede Numai omul care crede Ca vecia nu-i pustie Si gaseste staruinta Intr-o cale de credinta Si posteste si se-nchina Si aprinde-n ...
Name: Search And Destroy Jam Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers Guitarist: John Frusciante e-----| B-----12-12-12-12-12-10-10-10-10b12r10-9-9-9-9---9 ...