Acceleration of performance improvements due to AI and disaggregation are driving significant changes at the leading edge of ...
Would Quantum breakthroughs and AI Supercomputers finally make the elusive super-machine affordable, accessible and lean ...
Seismic modeling powered by supercomputing is reshaping infrastructure planning, leading to smarter, more resilient designs for earthquake-prone regions.
We are on the path to a new era of quantum computing. We must now prepare for the exponential benefits and risks of quantum ...
RIKEN announces the successful on-premise installation of Quantinuum’s ‘Reimei' quantum computer at its Wako campus.
In addition to housing Reimei, Riken is also home to Japan’s first quantum computer, which went online in April 2023. That superconducting machine currently has 64 qubits, but the institute has ...
Using the high-speed calculation capability of supercomputer Fugaku, researchers were able to simulate Typhoon Shanshan and show the movement of rain clouds in more detail. Shanshan, which hit ...
Frontier, the second fastest supercomputer in the world, used dark matter and the movement of gas and plasma rather than just gravity to model the observable universe.
The new technology utilizes optimized large-scale parallel processing coupled with the enhanced Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS), a weather simulator developed by Professor Kazuhisa Tsuboki on ...
Engineers in Japan have activated Reimei, the world’s first hybrid quantum supercomputer. The 20-qubit quantum machine has been integrated into Fugaku, the world’s sixth-fastest supercomputer. The ...