The company that owns the Three Mile Island nuclear plant defended the planning and safety record of the facility Thursday, ...
A longtime government-reform activist known for his attention-getting props and feisty public awareness campaigns urged ...
The Trump Administration wants to pause some spending that is helping the restart of a Michigan nuclear power plant. Could this cast doubts about the Three Miles Island restart in ...
The group "No TMI Restart" plans to urge commissioners not to cooperate with Constellation Energy's evacuation plan to ...
The massive fire at one of the world's largest lithium battery storage plants in Northern California has shaken a local ...
Monterey County Supervisor Glenn Church called the incident a "Three Mile Island event" for the industry, referencing the 1979 partial meltdown at a Pennsylvania nuclear power plant, the worst ...
You’ve heard about the reopening of one of the Three Mile Island reactors. Now there’s talk about finishing two nuclear plants in South Carolina that were stopped because of hideous cost overruns.
Jimmy Carter formed the Department of Energy, opposed a major Oak Ridge nuclear project and responded to Three Mile Island.
Although the U.S. has more nuclear reactors than any other country, after a partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island reactor near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in 1979, people became fearful of ...