Landlords have been notified of upcoming lease terminations across the U.S. by the General Services Administration, which is ...
A lawmaker panel tasked with budget oversight questioned travel bills, late reports and missing inventory this week.
Florida has a large number of federal government workers. There are concentrations in regions with military bases and space ...
SB 676 would allow people applying for certain jobs to check a box saying they'd take less than minimum wage. Critics say ...
Hundreds of meteorologists and other employees with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have been laid off, ...
As South Florida national parks reckon with staff layoffs from the White House, the latest visitor data shows attendance ...
The Tampa Bay Times e-Newspaper is a digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week that is available to read on ...
In a statement issued Tuesday, Florida’s immigration czar Larry Keefe said that “concerned law enforcement officers and ...
Workers at national wildlife refuges across Florida were fired as part of Trump's mass axing of the federal workforce.
The Tampa Bay Times e-Newspaper is a digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week that is available to read on ...
"Florida law will be enforced," Florida State Board of Immigration Enforcement Executive Director Larry Keefe said.
A Florida Senate committee voted along party lines to approve a measure that would give employers a way to sidestep the state’s minimum wage if they can classify positions as job training.