Ten years after the attack on January 7, 2015, the 58-year-old cartoon artist remains deeply marked by the loss of his colleagues. Now the director of the satirical weekly, he strives to pass on 'the ...
President Trump announced Tuesday night that he had granted a “full and unconditional” pardon to Ross Ulbricht, founder of ...
In an editorial, the magazine’s director, Laurent Sourisseau, known as “Riss,” defended the power of satire. “If you want to laugh, it means you want to live,” he wrote. NewsdayTV goes behind the ...
The RISS missions advise and support countries in establishing or improving their regulatory infrastructure for the safety of radiation sources and the security of radioactive material. They are based ...
French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has unveiled a special edition to mark ten years since an attack on its offices by Islamist gunmen that decimated its staff.