St. Teresa’s first exposure to St. Augustine occurred during her adolescence, when she was sent to the Augustinian convent of ...
The fourth edition of the Casiciaco Dialogues was held this October 11, 2024 under the motto “Who sings, prays twice”, coinciding with the launch of the channel Recoletos Music channel on Spotify and ...
La cuarta edición de los Diálogos de Casiciaco se ha celebrado este 11 de octubre 2024 bajo el lema «Quien canta, ora dos veces», coincidiendo con el lanzamiento del canal Recoletos Music en Spotify y ...
ARCORES Espanha apresenta sua proposta de voluntariado local, nacional e internacional para 2025.
As every year, ARCORES presents its volunteer proposal for 2025. It is an invitation to “move hearts and transform lives”, as expressed in the motto of the Augustinian Recollect International ...
The week began with the community of Avante, in the Parish of Christ Crucified. A very enthusiastic community received the Prior General, and after the celebration of the Eucharist, a meeting was held ...
“To celebrate is to remember, and to remember is to give thanks. This memory is a praise to God because he has been good, he has taken care of me, he has responded to this sinful creature, but who ...
«Celebrar es hacer memoria, y hacer memoria es agradecer. Esta memoria es una alabanza a Dios porque ha sido bueno, me ha cuidado, ha respondido a esta criatura pecadora, pero que lo ama y que intenta ...
We have just read the passage of Jesus’ encounter with a rich man seeking to attain eternal life. Depending on who reads it and in what context, the man’s question may not be fully understood. And ...