Many U.S. utilities have completed, or are nearing completion of, their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter Data Management System (MDMS) rollouts. With these implementations completing, ...
Executives see the utility industry rapidly changing. Unlike any other time in the industry’s history, customers show a strong desire to achieve energy independence. There is a degree of uncertainty ...
Iberdrola Renewables provides wind energy globally, with their U.S. headquarters located in Portland, Oregon. Their operation is staffed 24/7/365 to manage their huge network of wind farms. It is ...
Power transformers are one of the most dangerous electrical equipments because of the large quantity of oil they contain which is in direct contact with high voltage elements. Under such circumstances ...
In any heat transfer equipment such as a boiler or Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), the exit gas temperature determines the amount of energy recovered from the flue gas stream, which is ...
The utility industry has been on a roller coaster ride for much of the past few years. Caught in the midst of fitfully starting and stopping deregulation, aging infrastructure, higher than ever demand ...
Geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs), often called geomagnetic storms, and geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), are gaining recognition as a threat to the bulk power system. GICs are the currents that ...
Over the past few decades, changes in weather patterns due to climate change or global warming have led to more extreme, frequent, and costly weather events that have included intense rains, ice ...
Almost all utilities and large industrial facilities have extensive systems of power cables. Many of these cable systems are ageing and failures are becoming common. Finding the root cause of cable ...
More than ever, utilities are focusing on distribution system reliability, including outage management and the utility’s responsiveness during outage situations. As utilities plan for deployment of ...
Walking the tight rope between profitability, public image and customer relations can be tricky, especially when the entire energy industry financial community, and following the Great Northeast ...
Batteries are among the least expensive pieces of equipment in a substation, and they are the heart that keeps the protection and control system running. Despite this, they are often not maintained ...