Rose Basque recalls when her late husband, William Basque, wrote the poem, Sma’knis, back in 1992. She said he had trouble going to sleep one night. “He said, ‘Oh my God. My mind is going really fast.
Lennox Island First Nation Chief Darlene Bernard, left, and Abegweit First Nation Chief Roderick Gould/Photos by Stephen Brake and AFN The Assembly of First Nations has voted to create a new ...
The Treaty Truckhouse in Feb. 2017/Photo by Stephen Brake Opposition against the Alton Gas Natural Storage Project near Stewiake, N.S. continued into 2017. Alton Gas wants to create underground ...
Delilah Saunders, left, and her sister, Loretta, in an updated photo. Delilah is upset one of her sister's killers is appealing her conviction/Photo contributed by Delilah Saunders The sister of slain ...
A new art gallery that will showcase both Mi’kmaq artifacts and contemporary Mi’kmaq art has officially opened in Liverpool, N.S. The Sipuke’l Gallery, owned and operated by the Acadia First Nation, ...
Former NSNWA president Cheryl Maloney, right, has filed a human rights complaint against Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil/Photos by Stephen Brake The former president of the Nova Scotia Native Women ...
One of several boats owned by Sipekne'katik lobster harvesters heads towards the Saulnierville Wharf on Sept. 19, 2020/Photo by Stephen Brake The Chief of the Sipekne’katik First Nation says lobster ...
Robert Bernard, 3rd from left in back row, was the pitcher for the Whycocomagh Warriors when his team won 1st place at the 1985 Nova Scotia Indian Summer Games/Photo by Micmac News archives Robert ...
A federal negotiator for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been meeting with First Nation leaders in the Maritimes and the Gaspé region of Quebec for the past seven months to determine what a ...
Newfoundland and Labrador cabinet minister Lisa Dempster said it was emotional for her as she followed high school students who took part in the Trail of Caribou Pilgrimage earlier this month. “I was ...
Newfoundland and Labrador cabinet minister Lisa Dempster said it was emotional for her as she followed high school students who took part in the Trail of Caribou Pilgrimage earlier this month. “I was ...
Newfoundland and Labrador cabinet minister Lisa Dempster said it was emotional for her as she followed high school students who took part in the Trail of Caribou Pilgrimage earlier this month. “I was ...