“Nailed It!,” a Netflix original baking show, now has a Mexican spin off. The first season of “Nailed It! Mexico” was released on Feb. 8 on the streaming platform and includes 6 episodes. The U.S.
On the night of Friday, Sept. 23, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Jacqueline Romero was in the middle of listing all those she had to thank for her new historic position and the ...
When you think of tech startups, you probably think Northern California. Companies there receive the largest share of funding from venture capitalists, but there are several other notable pockets ...
Thousands have join in protest for the unresolved case of 43 missing students in Mexico, and after growing pressure and a lack of resolution, the governor of the state of Guerrero decided to step down ...
While dropout rates and poverty levels for Latinos have decreased in recent years, they are still more than double the rates of whites in the U.S. Katherine Del Monte wants to change that by tackling ...
As abortion restrictions begin to take shape around the country post the landmark overturn of Roe v. Wade, American women are still seeking the procedures, but with a lot of help from their neighbors ...
The sister organization of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition (BLACC) — developed to create a coalition of African American cultural influencers and health ...
The sport of boxing has been a staple of the Rivera family for generations. Along with his father, aunts and uncles, Joshua Rivera remembers watching the likes of fellow Puerto Ricans Félix Trinidad ...
A GoFundMe campaign organized to help the family of a Pakistani immigrant killed in a carjacking in Washington D.C last week has now accumulated over $900,000 in donations. 66-year-old Mohammad Anwar ...
Something broke in the collective unconscious of the nation when Donald Trump became president of the United States. It became apparent that political correctness was an avoidable issue and racism a ...
In an investigation published on Jan. 11, Semana magazine revealed a new case of corruption within the Colombian army, which would include illegal interceptions of communications from senior judges, ...
Congress is back in session, but not for long. After two weeks, U.S. legislator will return to prepping for campaigns. But before that happens, they plan to vote on a resolution that could affect the ...