The IUCN SSC Standards and Petitions Committee (SPC) is responsible for ensuring the quality and standards of the IUCN Red List and for ruling on petitions against the listings of species on the IUCN ...
A unified classification of alien taxa based on the magnitude of their environmental impacts has been developed in response to these issues. EICAT (Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa) ...
This report is a consolidation of in-country data gathered during 2020 in three Pacific countries: Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu. For the purpose of this report, all regional data analysis is based on these ...
The policy impacts of the ten country projects of The Restoration Initiative (TRI) are the theme of the new PANORAMA Solutions In Focus publication, highlighting the diverse strategies adopted by ...
La COP27 de la CCNUCC se tient dans un contexte mondial considérablement agité, des difficultés économiques croissantes et une insécurité alimentaire et énergétique aggravant les effets d’une pandémie ...
The project will support national governments to better understand drought emergency life cycle and its management phases with a view to adopt appropriate nature-based solutions that will help… The ...
Made up of experts from around the world, the IUCN SSC Giraffe and Okapi Specialist Group (GOSG) leads efforts to study giraffe, okapi and the threats they face, as well as leading and supporting ...
The golden monkey, Cercopithecus mitis kandti, an Endangered subspecies of blue monkey, is found in only two small populations in the central part of the Albertine Rift region in Central/East Africa.
El objetivo principal de esta Guía Explicativa es facilitar la comprensión de las obligaciones legales de las Partes en el Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación ...
Al unirse a la UICN como Miembro, podrá beneficiarse de la credibilidad científica de la Unión, de su inigualada base de conocimientos y poder de convocatoria, así como de amplias oportunidades de ...
Solar plants have been shown to create positive biodiversity impacts when compared to other types of intensive land use. For example, solar plants in the UK previously used for agriculture were found ...
The high degree of specialization that the cats have acquired during their evolution makes them vulnerable to environmental changes; 45 % of the 38 cat species are threatened. The IUCN SSC Cat ... I ...